


Achievement Awaits!

Long Island Achievement Center

How do we get started?

When you contact Long Island Achievement Center we will schedule a convenient time for your child to be tested.  We thoroughly assess each student using a computer adaptive diagnostic that is built for the Common Core State Standards.  The assessment pinpoints the student’s abilities and areas of need down to the sub-skill level.  Testing takes between one and two hours.  During the assessment we will observe your child’s behavior and reaction to the test.  The center will also obtain information about your child’s study patterns and attitudes about school.  Parents are strongly encouraged to bring in copies of report cards and prior testing results.  Once all pertinent information is obtained we analyze the data and develop a learning plan for your child.

What occurs during the parent conference?

Parents meet with the Director to discuss the testing results .  During the conference we provide recommendations for the type and duration of tutoring services that would be most beneficial for the student. Parent conferences typically take 45 minutes.

How often will my child need to attend?

The number of sessions per week varies, depending on the student’s individualized needs.  Most students attend once or twice a week for hour-long sessions.

Do you consult with my child’s classroom teachers?

Once Long Island Achievement Center obtains parental permission we are happy to consult with classroom teachers.  By working together with the school we can collectively provide the attention and guidance your child needs.  The more collaboratively teachers, parents and outside specialists work together, the more efficiently a student is able to make progress. 

How are the tutoring sessions paid for?

Payments can be made by check, cash or credit card and are required at the start of each session.  Checks returned for insufficient funds are subject to bank fees.

 What about cancellations?

We understand that plans change and children do get sick.  Therefore parents are able to cancel up until noon on the day of the scheduled session.  Parents are responsible for paying the cost of any session that is not cancelled before 12:00 p.m.

  Are there any sibling discounts?

Yes, we offer 25% off the second child if both children attend two or more sessions per week.