Achievement Awaits!

Long Island Achievement Center

K-10 Math and English Language Arts Tutoring
Each student deserves a customized approach to learning.  Our tutoring services are tailored to meet each learner’s unique needs.

Our Formula for Success:

1)  Assessment 

We thoroughly assess each student using a computer adaptive diagnostic that is built for the Common Core State Standards.  The assessment pinpoints the student’s abilities and areas of need down to the sub-skill level.

2)  Learning Plan and Initial Conference

After analyzing the results from the assessment a customized learning plan is created for your child.   

3) Tutoring

Students will work with one of our exceptional tutors on homework, school curriculum and/or any areas of weakness that were noted during the initial assessment. Our tutors work with up three students at a time.  Sessions are a combination of one-to-one instruction and independent work.  Most students will attend the center for an hour once or twice a week.

4)  Periodic Parent Conferences 

Parents meet with the Director to discuss the student's progress.
